Personalized handwritten Signature sterling silver necklace, Handmade Jewelry, custom engraved text, Mom Grandmom keepsake gift, Memorial

Personalized handwritten Signature sterling silver necklace, Handmade Jewelry, custom engraved text, Mom Grandmom keepsake gift, Memorial


birthstone rings


Preserve a special note in original handwriting in sterling silver forever and create a stunning personalised silver necklace.
I take your Loved one's actual HANDWRITING or SIGNATURE and turn it into a beautiful sterling silver necklace.
The solid 925 sterling silver plate is engraved with up to three SHORT words in original handwriting.
The backside can be engraved with a short quote, like:
"A Mom's hug lasts long after she lets go."
or whatever comes to your mind and fits on the disc.
Simple symbols like hearts, stars or infinity symbols can also be engraved.

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  • Views: 1962
  • Product Code: NMJES7343
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $80.06
  • Ex Tax: $80.06

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